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What Apple's jailbroken iPhone kits for security researchers looks like

Pictures have surfaced of one of Apple's Security Research Device kits, which at present consists of a specially-built variant of the iPhone 14 Pro.

Apple launched the iPhone Security Research Device Program in 2019. The program has reportedly discovered 130 high-profile security-critical vulnerabilities as of 2023.

Those who apply to to the Security Research Device Program (SRDP) receive a Security Research Device — which is essentially a jailbroken iPhone.

Gergely Kalman was one such recipient of a device, which he posted to X, as spotted by TechCrunch.

The phone inside is a modified iPhone 14 Pro. For the most part, it appears the same as any other iPhone 14 Pro, except for two minor changes. On the lock screen the phrase "Security Research Device" features prominently. The side of the Security Research Device also reads "Property of Apple. Confidential and Proprietary. Call +1 877 595 1125."

Included with the device is a set of instructions and three stickers that were inside of the box.

The Security Research Device is intended for security research in a controlled environment only. The devices provided are Apple's property and are loaned on a renewable 12-month basis.

Here's Apple's description of a Security Research Device:

The central feature of SRDP is the Security Research Device — a specially-built hardware variant of iPhone 14 Pro that's designed exclusively for security research, with tooling and options that allow researchers to configure or disable many advanced security protections of iOS that cannot be disabled on normal iPhone hardware in the hands of users.